Solutions for better design, evaluation and monitoring of New Mobility Services

The SUM project will be heading to Barcelona, together with the CIVITAS New Mobility Services (NMS) Community, to host a workshop TOMORROW MOBILITY. The TOMORROW.MOBILITY conference, held within the scope of the SMART CITY EXPO WORLD CONGRESS, from 5-7 November 2024.
The workshop, titled, 'Seamless Urban Mobility Services Event – solutions for better design, evaluation and monitoring of new mobility services' will take place on Tuesday, 5 November, 15:00 – 18:00 CET. It will take place in Room 3.12. Area CC3.
Workshop attendees can expect to hear and be included in discussions concerning effective creation, evaluation and monitoring of co-created new mobility services. Mobility status assessment, user behaviour and acceptance, and co-creation will all be discussed. Examples will be drawn from Pilot Cities, where new mobility services are being implemented. Three panel sessions will define the workshop, specifically:
- Co-creation activities of new mobility solutions and services in the urban and peri urban areas.
- Methodologies and tools to evaluate status quo for design of new mobility services.
- Methodologies and tools to assess the user embracement of new mobility services.
Read more about the session on the conference website, here.
Do you already plan on attending the workshop? Let the SUM project know here.